Two-Day Beginners' Basketry Workshop - Basket 1 (Bowden - May)

11th May 2024 - 12 May 2024
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Cost: £90
Venue: Bowden Village Hall TD6 0SS


Fancy learning a new skill this Spring? Why not try your hand at the heritage craft of basketmaking? This is the fifth in the series of beginners' two-day round basket workshops at Bowden Village Hall, Bowden, near Melrose, tutored by Karla Pearce.

The cost is £90, and it includes all materials and a copy of Jonathan Ridgeon's book Willow Basketry: A How-To Guide (£11.50 value) so that you can continue your basketmaking journey after the course. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided. Please bring your lunch.

To book or for further information, don't hesitate to contact Karla by email at

Contact Details

Contact Name: Karla Pearce
Bowden Village Hall ,
Bowden ,
Near Melrose

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