Two-Day Beginners' Basketry Workshop - Basket 1 (Bowden - March)

16th March 2024 - 17 March 2024
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Cost: £90
Venue: Bowden Village Hall TD6 0SS


Fancy learning a new skill for the New Year? Why not try your hand at the heritage craft of basketmaking? This is the third in the series of beginners' two-day round basket workshops at Bowden Village Hall, Bowden, near Melrose, tutored by Karla Pearce.

The cost is £90 and will include all materials and a copy of Jonathan Ridgeon's book, Willow Basketry: A How to Guide (£11.50 value), to allow you to continue your basketmaking journey after the course. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided. Please bring your lunch.

To book or for further information, don't hesitate to contact Karla by email at

These workshops are kindly supported by the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers' Charitable Trust.

Contact Details

Contact Name: Karla Pearce
Bowden Village Hall ,
Bowden ,
Near Melrose

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