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Laundry basket

Anna is running a two day course in Lucker Saturday and Sunday 21/22 March to make a laundry basket as featured in Jenny Crisps new book. We will learn how to work from a square base frame to a round topped basket. The frames will be provided but Anna will demonstrate how to make one. The cost is £75 plus frame and willow. We hope to enjoy a shared lunch each day. The course will run from 10-4 each day. There are only a few places left so please contact Anne Otley as quickly as possible to reserve one. Cheques made out to Lucker and Bamburgh Willow Weavers can be sent to Anne at Lucker House, Lucker, Belford, Northumberland NE70 7JG or ask Anne for details of paying by BAC


Author Details

Author Name: Jan
Publish Date: 24th February 2020

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